There were so many people who worked tirelessly to make this wedding possible; most of whom came into town early specifically to help with preparations. Our family certainly could not have taken on such an enormous event without the army of workers God supplied. We are so grateful for each of you who helped!
Here are some snapshots taken the week before the wedding. They only capture a fraction of the work being tackled by so many!
Wow that was so neat to have so much help! Looked like everyone was happy and enjoying themselves! Where was the to-be-groom hiding??!!
You're right, Esther! I neglected to put up pictures of the groom. I shall rectify that immediately. He was certainly involved every step of the way! No hiding out for this groom! :-)
It looks like you all had a great time! Sorry you got sick afterward. My family will be doing the same thing soon - my little brother is engaged!
Who knows maybe Nathan was off pressing his suit or at the barbers! Or better yet, spying on his girl!
BTW I love the photos of the dads doing the chairs!
Hey! I loved the pics! Thanks for taking the time to share the pre-wedding with us! Even though we weren't able to be there (sniff) we can still FEEL like a part of it!
: ) Katelin looks SO happy! : ) Did you guys use another church, or is that your church building??
Ruth! I can't believe your little brother is engaged! Is it Jesse or Jonathan? When is the wedding?
Sarah Beth! I so wish you could have been there for the wedding! We missed your family! But I look forward to showing you pics/videos soon! The church they got married at is one right around the corner from our house. It's called Cypress Family Fellowship (formerly Anchor Baptist), and is the building where our church meets for mid-week prayer service.
It's Jesse, and he's getting married in July. And my sister Abi is getting married in May.
Great Pictures! That's amazing how much help you received. The Lord sure provided!
How fantastic! That looks like a lot of work!
Hey... I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on you Katrina! Posting comments about me looking a bit "lost" tying silk chair covers! I was just analyzing the situation and being very logical about what the best way to tackle the task was. Afterall, we don't exactly do silk chair covers every day up here at the Day family farm!! :)
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