Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Kiddo Pics

Time for a little picture catch-up!  I've had these pictures sitting on my computer since February, but haven't found the time to post them until now!  Enjoy a little glimpse of life at our house lately. :)

Sharing a snack of Cheerios together with Isaac happily supplying Josiah's tray with more every 10 seconds or so...

Love their matching positions here...

...and here!

Jo Jo Bear has been working hard on learning to sit up by himself!  As I said above, these pictures were taken in February when he still needed pillow support, but now he is quite the independent little sitter-upper!

Such a cutie-patootie with the sweetest smile!

Dapper Dude

Enjoying some play time at the park after a long, cold winter!


Isaac loves to slide!  He has no fear of the height of any slide and will go down them all in a variety of positions.

Of course, it is especially fun to put rocks at the bottom and then slide into them.


The tunnel slide - his favorite!

One night, he put on Daddy's Superman cap like this and looked so cute, I had to take his picture...multiple times! :)

This is Isaac's new "frowny-face" that he gives when he wants to make people laugh.  It pretty much always works!

Yes, I realize this is a little too close to Josiah's face to be deemed a preferred angle, but he was looking so adorable, I had to take a picture, even just 10 inches away! :)

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