Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A Quick Little Update

Oh my.  I had no idea it had been so long since my last post!  Yikes!

Believe it or not, I have had at least half a dozen posts rolling around in my head for the past many weeks...just no time to get them written!

So what have I/we been doing instead?
The usual daily events: mothering, nursing a baby, cooking, dishes, laundry, school with Isaac, reading lots of books to the boys, cleaning, and so on.  Then of course there are the weekly happenings of grocery shopping, going to the library,  and gathering with our church on Wednesdays and Sundays.  Additionally, we have been hosting people from church for meals nearly every weekend, which has been fun!  We made a quick trip to Dayton recently for a joint birthday celebration for Isaac and two of his cousins.  Not long after our return home, the boys all came down with colds which we are still fighting to varying degrees.

In my very limited spare time, I may catch a much-needed nap, read a mothering article online, do some homework catch-up for the ladies' Sunday school class at church, watch the political stuff happening in our country with my husband (who finds the process so interesting!),  or read a few pages of the current book I am working through before bed at night.

One of my biggest struggles right now is finding balance in everything and keeping my priorities where they need to be.  As a result, certain activities have had to take a backseat, such as blogging as much as I would like.  Nevertheless, I still have those posts rolling around in my head with hopes of sharing them soon!  In fact, Isaac's official third birthday will be this coming Thursday, and I definitely plan to share a re-cap of this last year of his life on that day (hopefully!).  Thanks for being a faithful reader...and please stay tuned!

In the meantime, here is a link to an article that really resonated with me this week.  For those of you who are fellow mamas, perhaps it will encourage you as well!

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