Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Houston Trip

December has been a whirlwind month, which explains the lack of posts these last few weeks!  While Nathan was gallivanting around Israel for 10 days, Isaac and I enjoyed visiting family and friends in Houston as well as getting some much-needed shopping accomplished.  We returned home to Taos a few days before Christmas and had a lovely time celebrating Christ's birth with our church family.  As the holiday bustle has settled down, we now have our hands full trying to help Isaac overcome the croup and a mild case of RSV.  Poor little guy!  He has never been so sick and doesn't really know what's going on with his body as it fights this illness.  Your prayers would be appreciated that he would make a full recovery and that the RSV would not develop into anything more severe.

I have quite the picture collection to share on the blog, so the next few posts will be dedicated to playing catch-up (once again).  Hope you enjoy!

Isaac's first meeting of his new cousin, Owen.
(This picture cracks me up because it would seem both boys have an aversion to one another when in reality, I just happened to catch them in funny positions. :)

There...that's a little better. :)

Isaac loved playing under my parents' kitchen table!  My mom has a similar picture of me doing this very thing when I was his age. :)

Trying to get his green ball on top of the glass.

Grandmommy love.

The feeling was mutual!

Bath time with Granddaddy!

They were buddies.

Hanging out at Aunt Nora's new country house.

Mom was always good at coming up with new play things for Isaac that kept him fascinated for quite some time!

My grandparents enjoyed spending time with their youngest great-grandbaby.

So many places to explore here!

"Hi, Mom!"

Sittin' like a big boy.

Clapping with Papa.

And would you believe those are all the pictures I took of our time in Houston?  I guess I was too busy enjoying being with people and getting my shopping done to take pictures.  :)

On another note, Isaac reached several milestones during our trip.  He got his first tooth, learned how to clap, and took his first unassisted steps!  He is growing up!

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