Sunday, June 21, 2009

Update on Kate 'n Nate

Life continues to be full of the joys, challenges, and hilarious moments of living with a sister who is engaged to be married.

The joys: staying up late into the night talking wedding plans and Nathan news. (Oh yes, and having a perfect reason for teasing her all the time is quite fun too!)

The challenges: coming to grips with the fact that for all practical purposes, Katelin thinks my laptop is her special friend. :-) Yup...despite the fact that she is in the throes of planning a major wedding and figuring out how to move across the world, she is also very much in love! And that means lots of Skype calls with a certain someone as well as numerous emails a day! It's a good thing I learned how to share in kindergarten...because I'm getting lots of practice doing so with my computer. :)

The hilarious moments: let's see...where do I start? I suppose I could tell you about the time that Katelin walked out of the house with her hairbrush in hand instead of her cell phone. Or maybe I should mention the time she locked herself into the house while home alone, leaving her house keys dangling in the keyhold outside? Then there was the time she put a pitcher full of iced tea into the cabinet instead of the fridge. Oh! And by the way, all three of these occurrences happened on the same day! I think you would have to agree with me that her mind was probably somewhere else. =)

A girl in love sure provides laughter for the household! (Don't worry - she was laughing too!)

As far as the Nathan side of the update, he's back in Ukraine involved in their missionary organization's annual summer outreach program: Carpathian Mountain Outreach. To learn more about what they do, and to see pictures of their experiences, go to:

In closing, here's a little snippet of a recent video chat via Skype that Kate 'n Nate enjoyed (and that they were kind enough to allow the publication of). Hope it makes you smile!

K: "Have you eaten supper yet?"

N: "No, not yet. And I didn't each much breakfast or lunch today either!"

K: (exasperated) "What am I going to do with you?"

N: (with his cheesy grin and raised eyebrows...) "Cook for me??"

K: (sighing) "You need a wife!"

N: "I'm workin' on it!!"

K: "FASTER!!!!!"


Anonymous said...

That did make me laugh! They're so cute together, aren't they? I'm so happy for them. I've never heard of someone locking themselves inside of the house, that's a funny one! :)
In Christ's Love,

~ Jenifer said...

This is too funny! Thanks so much for sharing!

quinn emery said...

that is funny. i would say that they are in love.... :)

Leah said...

I would agree that they're in love! I've done some things without not giving you the right directions that time you were taking me home... but never locked myself inside with the keys outside!

Kate said...

Too funny! we're excited for them!

Thanks for sharing your witnessing story with us! I'm especially appreciative of you typing out the actual dialogue you had with your hair cutter, b/c that gives me good ideas for bringing up spiritual conversation or answering difficult questions, etc. And your hair looks very cute! :)


allhisgirl said...

Sounds like someone is absolutely smitten and in the clouds! ; )

~ Leah

sharonmomofsix said...

We just got home from a week away in Colorado and my girls tried to share this "conversation" with me. It made a lot more sense when I read it myself, lol! (We got to spend a week in CO by ourselves to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary!) Thanks for sharing!