Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Book Review of L'Abri

During these last few weeks of my time on bed rest, I have very much enjoyed reading Edith Schaeffer's book, L'Abri.  This book is a colorfully written, biographical account of the Schaeffer family's unique ministry in the Swiss Alps, providing a home-like haven of study and discussion for those searching for truth and meaning in life.  Francis Schaeffer led in-depth studies of Scripture, chapel and church services, and provided intellectual fodder for many a dinner table discussion with guests.  Edith meanwhile ran the home (which eventually became many homes in a village setting) with her expert hospitality skills, participated in conversations on spiritual matters, and mothered their four children. Over time, people came from all over the world to L'Abri, and hundreds of seekers found the truth they were looking for in the pages of the Bible and the Person of Jesus Christ.

There were so many aspects to this book that I enjoyed reading including the family's personal adventures that were shared, the way they trusted completely in the Lord to lead and guide this work, and the miraculous ways He provided for them financially, though they told no one of their needs.  However, I think the aspect that I enjoyed the most was how I could, in a small way, relate to the ministry of L'Abri, and the encouragement I received from this book in regards to our ministry here in Taos.

While our ministry is not that of a guest home for study purposes, a big part of our church-based ministry is that of building relationships with people, both Christian and non-Christian, engaging in discussions with seekers of the truth, and extending hospitality in our home to various guests whether it be for a meal or a weekend stay.  Just as the Schaeffers prayed that God would bring the ones He knew were searching for answers in life to L'Abri, so we pray that God will bring through our church doors the ones in Taos who need to hear the Gospel or who need a good church home.  I was so encouraged to read of their many answers to this prayer and of how their willingness to invest themselves in the lives of others bore fruit as many, many people from different countries and different religious backgrounds came to believe in the Savior.  I am trusting that the Lord will answer this prayer here in Taos as well!

If you are looking for a good book to read, I highly recommend the captivating story of L'Abri, by Edith Schaeffer!

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