Saturday, May 24, 2008

Laughter is Good for the Heart

Today, as my family has been cleaning out old file cabinets in order to set up a new office area in our house, my dad came across a few pictures that made me laugh out loud! He said they are some of his favorites. *smile*

I thought perhaps my blog readers might enjoy a few chuckles as my expense.

This is Katrina...a long time ago...

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." Proverbs

Wishing you all joy today in the Lord!


Evann said...

Haha! How cute!! I love pictures!

Anonymous said...

You were and still are beautiful! You can tell from those pictures that you had a light about you! Thanks for sharing with the "class".

Anonymous said...

So cute! You and Katelin looked the same then as you do now, you're just a little older now! lol My favorite pic is the middle one! Such pretty, big eyes! :)