Thursday, December 18, 2008

Worried About Nothing, Praying About Everything

The following is a journal entry made back in October 2007 about Philippians 4:6-7. As I've been meditating on these verses again this week, the insights God gave me last year continue to ring true in my thoughts!

"Be careful for nothing: but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

Nothing and everything are extreme words in completely opposite territories that leave no room for the idea of anything more general. Meditating on this verse yesterday and last night before bed revealed to me that there are some things I've been worried about lately, and some things I haven't been praying about (at least not consistently). I have been "careful" (worried) about the following:

- that no one will want to marry me
- my future children may not live for the Lord
- my financial status
- finding the right ticket to Ukraine
- my grandparents' salvation
- our church won't grow
- Maiden's Quest Ministries may not have any long-range effect on girls

I'm sure the list could go on, but these are the majority of issues I am facing right now. Writing these issues down on paper makes me clearly see how very silly it is to worry about these things at all. Worrying or being fretful certainly won't accomplish anything!

My worries simply stem from a lack of trust in my Father regarding each particular issue on the list. Now, I am better understanding why He coupled the command to be careful for NOTHING with the command to pray about EVERYTHING - with thanksgiving! It makes so much sense. This is what I'm trying to do, thus cultivating trust in the Lord and submission to placing all things in His hands.

My God is worthy of being trusted - of this I am certain!

This week, I have been reminded from God's Word that worry is a sin because it disobeys God's command. Furthermore, anxiety is a sign of not praying about everything with thanksgiving. I think God put the word 'thanksgiving' in that verse because praying with thanksgiving demonstrates our trust that God will hear our prayer and take care of everything in His perfect way. Thankful, trusting prayer is the best solution to worry and anxiety.


Anonymous said...

Philippians 4:6 and 7 are some of my favorite verses! Your thoughts that you shared are encouraging - thank you! BTW - I do want to say that your worry about MQ not having a lasting impact on the girls should SO not worry you - b/c Christa and I are still benefiting from it, and so many other girls we know as well! We will never forget the MQ retreat and the encouragement that it was to us! SO NO WORRIES THERE KATRINA!!! :) lol
Much love!
Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this Katrina! You are very right!

Katrina Marie said...

Kate, thanks for your encouraging words! I'm so glad to know how the ministry of Maiden's Quest has affected your life. I'm not worried about that issue anymore! God comforted me with the reminder that my responsibility was simply to be the messenger - He would take care of the results. :)

Looking back on that silly list I wrote a year ago makes me see how all of those issues have been or will be taken care of by God. My financial status worked out just fine, God gave the right ticket to Ukraine, our church has grown by leaps and bounds, I'm content being single, etc.!

It's been a good reminder to me re-read that journal entry and see the faithfulness of God!

Sarah Beth said...

hey you, thanks for sharing. Yeah... I understand totally. I may just write a list too... help me realize how silly MY list is! lol Thanks for everything. Really miss you bunches!

Anonymous said...

Hi Katrina, I might should write a list myself - I have so many silly things I worry about as well! :) You are right - God is so faithful, and will always provide!