Sunday, September 26, 2010


Hi everyone!

I'm sorry I've been so remiss to update my blog this past week! It's not for lack of material - just lack of time!

This past week has been especially busy with school and extra activities. I had a phonetics exam, a grammar exam, a dialogue presentation to give by memory, and a Bible verse to quote in Spanish for class all on top of the usual home work load! Additionally, I have been able to get involved in the music ministry here and thus, rehearsals for a string quartet, clarinet trio, and other piano accompaniment opportunities have filled my calendar as well. Yesterday, we had a full day between a school-wide evangelism opportunity in the morning and a volleyball tournament in the evening. Yes, life has been busy!

God has been teaching me so much these last few weeks. One of the biggest lessons I have been learning is His desire - yes, even His predestination for my life - to conform me to the image of His Son, Jesus. Contrary to popular opinion, happiness and smooth roads are not the goal in life in God's estimation. He wants me to be like Christ. This means teaching me humility when I would usually feel to be a servant to another when I would prefer to sit back and be to think well of another person rather than judging them because they are different than me. Even though these lessons are not easy to learn, I am so grateful that God loves me enough to change me. The beautiful thing is, by learning these lessons and surrendering to the Master Potter, joy is experienced!

I have many more things I wish to share with you all, including pictures and videos of recent happenings, but so much of that depends on time and a strong internet signal. Stay tuned!

In the meanwhile, please stay in touch! It is always a joy to hear from you.

May the Lord bless your week with His presence and the ability to see Him at work in your life!

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