Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like a Wedding!

No, we're not moving. We're just in the process of planning a wedding! :)

Mom and Aunt Nora hard at work on reception plans.

Organization at its best.

This has been another project over the last two weeks; addressing invitations.
We're almost ready to send them out!

Until next time...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Outdoor Fun at Brazos Bend

The Britton Grillmasters

The beauty of the park.

So happy to be with my sweetheart soaking up the fresh air!

A stump that begs a picture.

Joel and his new fiancé, Katelyn.
Yes, that's two Britton brothers soon to be married!
The family is growing!

Lots of alligators were out enjoying the sunshine.

Such handsomeness...

...absolutely takes my breath away!

The lake at Brazos Bend.

The marshlands at Brazos Bend.

The happy couple at Brazos Bend.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Great is His Faithfulness

February 29, 2012

441. Sweet fellowship with the Britton family

442. Harmonious singing in the missions of San Antonion

443. Really special moments with Nathan all day in San Antonio

444. A thoughtful, romantic proposal on the beach from the man God has given me

445. A strong, soft hand to hold

446. The fun of wedding planning

447. A date that works well for our families and the church

448. The provision of the church as our venue

449. Delightful fellowship with Tara

450. God's provision of candle holders and baskets at a bargain

451. Talking with Kelsie today and knowing she might be able to be at the wedding!

452. God's provision of dresses for the bridesmaids at JC Penney for such a good price and that work for pregnant friends! :)

453. An encouraging planning day at the church today

454. Hanging out with my man

March 7, 2012

455. Finding just the right bolero jacket at Dress Barn for the bridesmaids on the morning we prayed for them

456. Answered prayer for wise use of our gas when the other boleros were at a location near the Penneys that Mom needed to go to anyway

457. Pastor White's wedding gift

458. God's provision of just the right wedding rings

459. Beautiful spring days!

460. A star-studded sky

461. Delightful talks with so many precious maiden friends

462. The Sadlers being willing to postpone their European vacation by a few days in order to come to the wedding

463. The Bridges being able to come!

464. God's provision of a private honeymoon "resort" as a gift (and airplane tickets at a very good price!)

465. The extremely generous gift from the church of the reception room

March 14, 2012

466. So excited to find today the very bedding set for which I've been scouring the city this past week!

467. God's provision of white shoes that are both dressy and comfortable

468. The blessing of the offer the people at the apartment office made to Nathan

469. Finding the right music to use for the wedding

470. Alma being able to come and play the flute for a special music piece

471. Dinner tonight with Nathan on the lake

472. His email waiting for me upon my arrival home

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Visit to San Antonio with the Brittons

During our excursion to San Antonio with Nathan's family, we toured five old missions that were a key part of Texas history.

Housing for those who sought refuge within the mission walls.

One of the community ovens.

This was the biggest of the five missions and had the most fascinating architecture!

The Britton Brothers

At the back of the mission was an old, water-powered mill in action demonstrating how the mission's inhabitants would grind their wheat.

A quick pic with my sweetheart at the mill!

Mrs. Britton through the mill's window.

The mill in action.

I love the palm trees at this mission location!

Another Britton boy and his significant other. :)

The courting couples.

Nathan's youngest brothers, Noah and Diondre.

A very cool-looking tree.

At the river walk.

So pretty!

Lovin' being with this man!

Noah and Diondre at the fountains

Joel and Katelyn

The Alamo

The smolder look from the man who captured my heart!

A most delightful day with a most delightful man and his family!