Sunday, November 10, 2013

Picture Catch-Up Part 2, Isaac on the Move!

Over the last many weeks, Isaac has been pulling up on everything he can get his hands on!  He loves to stand, tries to climb, and is desperate to walk.  The dishwasher is a particular favorite "play thing" for him in the kitchen, and every time it gets opened up, he makes a bee-line for it!

Sometimes, he is stronger than he thinks. :)

Happy to be on the move!

The "leftover containers" drawer - another favorite!

With all the learning to stand action, Isaac has taken a whole lot of spills and tumbles, resulting in a fair share of bumps and bruises.

Poor baby.  Hopefully, he will learn balance better soon!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Just the beginning! One mom of boys once told me "when you have boys you want to make sure that you have have two things on speed dial... a good doctor and a good contractor" Ha!!!