Monday, August 2, 2010

A Movie Review of No Greater Love

These days, it's rare that I come across a movie worth recommending, but I must say, I am very pleased to tell you about a new release on the Christian market called No Greater Love.

The story of this movie is about a family broken apart by sin and restored by God's grace. After having a baby, the wife falls into depression and addictions which cause her to lose hope and leave her family, completely disappearing out of their lives. Devastated, her husband searches everywhere for her, but to no avail. Eventually, he gives up searching for her, assuming she is dead, and tries to move on with his life. He raises their son by himself and with time, becomes attracted to another woman. Fast forward ten years. Though not a Christian, Jeff takes his son to a VBS at a local church and finds to his utter shock that his wife is a member there! As they work through a period of healing, reconciliation, and forgiveness, both learn what it truly means to love unconditionally. Meanwhile, Jeff is confronted with the realities of Christianity, the sovereignty of God, and the need to make a decision about what he is going to believe.

Not only is the story of this film edifying and intriguing by turn, the acting is high quality and the cinematography professional, making for an all-around excellent film! I now count it among my favorites.

The movie is rated PG for "thematic elements," which I guess is referring to the brief flashback scenes from the couple's early years of a rocky marriage. However, I would not hesitate at all to recommend this film to families with children of all ages. I found nothing of a "questionable nature." Even with that said, though, I think it will be most enjoyed by teens and adults.

If you are looking for a good, wholesome film for your next family movie night that is glorifying to the Lord and enjoyable to watch, consider No Greater Love! You can watch the trailer here.

P.S. If you do end up watching this movie, be sure to keep watching past the first few credits at the end as another, final scene is tucked in between!


Sarah Beth said...

Hey! It was great talking to you yesterday! I'm praying with you for all the new transitions and exciting adventures waiting just around the corner. : )

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the recommendation! My family and I watched the movie recently and we loved it!

~Sarah H.

Sisi said...

My family rented the movie after I read your writeup on it and it's now one of my favorites!

~Samantha Roose