Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm Done!!!

Thank you so much to those of you who prayed for me this past week during final exams at language school. The exams went well and were not as hard as I anticipated! I finished my last one yesterday morning. It feels wonderful to be done with the first semester and have the opportunity to take a break for the holidays!

I flew home last night and am now in bed trying to recover from a bad cold. Please pray that I will recover quickly as there is much to be done before departing for Ukraine next Wednesday where my family will be spending the month of December. Transatlantic flights are hard enough without being sick on top of it! Also, I don't want to carry any germs over to my sister who is about to have a baby!

Blog posts might be a little slow in coming these next few days due to all the preparations yet to be made and people yet to see before leaving. However, I promise that once we get to Ukraine there will be lots to tell you about and pictures to post!

In the meantime, may the Lord bless you all with His presence and the joy of knowing Him better each day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! I so know the feeling, it makes two of us over with exams-for now. lol. Enjoy your break!
