Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thankful Thursday...And a Little Catch-Up

Dear readers of this little blog,

In case you haven't noticed, regular posts beyond my weekly lists counting up to one thousand gifts have been practically non-existent around here lately.  Ironically, I started out this new year with the ambitious goal of blogging at least twice a week.  Added to that were other goals such as cleaning out certain cabinets and organizing the basement.

And then sickness hit our household in full force causing all those illustrious goals to be shelved for the time being as I have been too busy wiping runny noses, brewing herbal teas, giving breathing treatments, cleaning up vomit, cuddling the ill, and sleeping off a stomach virus to even think about dusting the furniture, let alone tackling the basement monster...or blogging twice a week.  Sometimes real life has a way of throwing curve balls at us just when we were all geared up to be ambitiously productive, causing us to feel content that we can simply operate in survival mode.  Such have been the last three weeks of my life.

So I thank you for your patience as I continue to nurse my family and myself back to full health with visions of upcoming blog posts dancing in my head!

In the meanwhile, I am again taking the time to post the continuing count of gifts in my life, for it is during these days of sickness and survival mode that I most need to be reminded of all I have for which to be thankful...

695.  Homemade chicken noodle soup provided by a church member that has tasted oh-so-yummy this week!

696.  The chance to get out in the fresh mountain air and enjoy a date with my husband on the ski slopes in between sicknesses

697.  Strength to care for my ailing men and get a little grocery shopping done before coming down with the stomach bug myself

698.  All those days of good health we have enjoyed that I took for granted

699.  The life of Alice Jones, a dear, 95-year-old church member, whose home-going to heaven is imminent

700.  Emails from family that keep me encouraged

701.  Enjoyable blogs and books to read while I rest off this sickness

702.  Cuddles with my little boy

703.  A guest bed in which to sleep that allows me to be closer to Isaac during the night when he is prone to throwing up

704.  Having a husband to welcome home after a day of basketball games far away

705.  Peppermint essential oil

706.  A washing machine for all our soiled garments thanks to afore-mentioned stomach bug

707.  God's grace which is sufficient for every day

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