Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Busy Day at the Baby Home

Casa de Amor's newest arrival

Only a couple weeks old!

Cute and snuggly!

Praising God today for my Ergo Baby Carrier that got a lot of use as I cared for the four little sickies in the isolation room. They were happy for several hours and then all decided to cry at the same time...for a long time. I found that by putting one in the Ergo and holding the other, two out of four were happy!

Pacifiers...another wonderful invention. This little guy finally quieted down right before I left for the night.

And she slept peacefully after being cradled in the Ergo.

Whew! What a day!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the post. What precious babies. Praying for you all.