Monday, August 1, 2011

Everyday Life

Homework Time

How many of your boys learn embroidery skills at age seven?

Showing us her handiwork - so pretty!

Mr. "A" hard at work

Tía Elisabeth is our education tía and is amazing! She takes the children to and from school, meets with teachers as necessary, and supervises the homework of all 13 school-age children!

This little mischief-maker is supposed to be writing her letters...

That's better.

Meanwhile, upstairs, some children are what you might call "sacked out." :)

This creation, by the three oldest girls, is their new changing room where they can change clothes without the boys seeing them...just in case their door happens to be open. They were so proud of their ingenuity!

Well done little ladies!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Wow Katrina this has been so fun to look through all these pictures after getting back in town and see what you have been up to! I am so impressed by the incredible organizing jobs you did! This children's home truly is blessed to have you there! The children are precious!