Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Passing Along the Inspiration

As I recover from another round of stomach trouble, I took some time during my restful morning today to read Ann Voskamp's blog. Having just finished her book, One Thousand Gifts, and longing for more of the beautiful, poignant, inspirational writing she has shared with the world, I am delighted to find that her blog is like a continuation of the there's really no need to close the cover and stop reading after all! The pages continue at: and are even complete with lovely photography and additional, helpful links.

I was especially blessed by this post giving inspiration for a cozy, history-filled, beautified homeschool room and this post about simplified homeschooling. I know I'm not a homeschooling mom yet...but it never hurts to store up thoughts for the future! :)

One more thing.

This video, a feast for the eyes and for the soul, as it describes the whole message of the book, is a must-watch.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Oh Katrina! I really love how Ann writes too - i found her blog, then the book, and am now back to the blog :) I just found an amazing song this past week too called "how emptiness sings" by christa wells with lyrics inspired by ann
I haven't been able to find the song on youtube to share with you but i downloaded it on itunes - see if you can find it!