Monday, September 12, 2011

A Day at the Park

Monkey Boy takes to the monkey bars...

...with a smile!

Tennis anyone?

Spring has officially arrived in Cochabamba...

...and it's glorious!

How about those mountains?

This has to be the favorite park apparatus of the children from House 2! I call it the twirling onion.

Getting in trouble is never fun. What a sad little face!

A bit of culture.

So Bolivian.

Not so Bolivian. :)
More like American-turned-Jamaican thanks to good friends in Peru who like to braid hair!

So happy to be enjoying the fresh air!

A cheerful little girl once again.

Monkey Boy takes to the trees!

Making discoveries in the ditch.

"Look, Tía Katrina! It's a really big egg. It's probably from a dinosaur."

Little boys and trucks...such a fun combination.

Who needs swings and slides when you have trees, dirt, and sticks to play with?

Oh wait...never mind. The slide has appeal to this little one who has no fear of heights and loves to climb tall things!

Ready, set...


Little Miss S enjoying the sunshine!

"Look Tía! I can swing by myself now!"

Quick pic with Little D

Monkey Boy tackles another tree!

Meanwhile someone else enjoys the tree he abandoned in search for greater heights.

Monkey-see-monkey-do. Thankfully, this one's just her size. :)

Finding a little hill oh-so-fascinating!

I so well remember my own childhood love of running down hills. Watching their exhilaration with this activity brought back fond memories!

Quick pic with Little B!

We believe in helping each other.

And it's especially cute when the children initiate this helpfulness themselves!

Yes, ten children and one tía had a delightful outing to the park and everyone lived to tell about it!

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