Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Marriage of George and Mary Müller

Of his marriage to Mary, Müller said:

"Every year our happiness increased more and more. I never saw my beloved wife at any time, when I met her unexpectedly anywhere in Bristol, without being delighted to do so. I never me her even in the Orphan Houses, without my heart being delighted to do so. Day by day, as we met in our dressing room, at the Orphan Houses, to wash our hands before dinner or tea, I was delighted to meet her, and she was equally pleased to see me. Thousands of times I told her - 'My darling, I never saw you at any time, since you became my wife, without my being delighted to see you.'

Further, day after day, if anyhow it could be done, I spent after dinner twenty minutes or half an hour with her in her room at the Orphan-Houses, seated on her couch, which the love of a Christian brother, together with an easy chair, had sent her....I knew it was good for her, that her dear active mind and hands should have rest, and I knew well that this would not be, except her husband was by her side... I spent these precious moments with my darling wife. There we sat, side by side, her hand in mine, as an habitual thing, having a few words of loving intercourse, or being silent, but most happy in the Lord and in each other, whether we spoke or were silent....Our happiness in God, and in each other, was indescribable. We had not some happy days every year, not a month of happiness every year, but we had twelve months of happiness in the year, and thus year after year. Often and often did I say, 'My darling, do you think there is a couple in Bristol, or in the world, happier than we are?'

Müller believed that one of the greatest secrets of their marital bliss was that besides their times of private prayer, and family prayer, he and Mary frequently prayed together.

Excerpt from the biography George Müller - Delighted in God, by Roger Steer

Oh for such a marriage as this!

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