Thursday, July 21, 2011

Counting, ever counting...

July 17, 2011

89. Orange butterfly flitting by

90. Just enough yogurt to go around for Sunday breakfast

91. Songs in church reminding me of RGBI

92. Delicious pizza smells filling the truck on the way home from church/pizza parlor

93. The reminder to pray for a passion and a love for this ministry

94. Clean clothes smelling fresh off the line

95. A restful nap

96. Dancing in a circle with happy children

97. The privilege of washing dishes and scrubbing bathrooms

July 18, 2011

98. Gooey chocolate brownies

99. Adorable kid-crafted card messages for Kaley as she prepares to leave

100. Sturdy Skechers sneakers providing support for long days on my feet and walks on cobbly stones

101. Emails from Aunt Nora and Mema (family news!)

102. My new, little blue notebook for scribbles

103. Chapstick

104. A good meeting with House 2 staff

105. Tía Sarin's laugh

July 19, 2011

106. Socks that match

107. Bedtime stories

108. Sparkly belts

109. Homemade cake

110. Sunshine beaming through the clouds onto the mountains - breathtaking!

July 21, 2011

111. Singing with children as we walk to school

112. The wonderful feeling that comes with de-cluttering and organizing

113. Warm acceptance amongst the tías with whom I work

114. Airborne drink packets helping me lick this lingering cold

115. Chirping birds

116. Delicious desserts, fellowship, and a message I needed to hear at a ladies' tea at church

117. Fernando Ortega songs to sooth my spirit after a busy day

118. Children's hugs and kisses

119. A splinter extracted from under a toenail with minimum blood and no need to go to the doctor

120. Encouraging emails from prayer partners

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