Friday, November 11, 2011

The Mommy-For-A-Month Chronicles #3

Midnight Escapade

It was sometime around 2:30 in the morning that I was abruptly awakened out of sleep by a cry of distress. I immediately identified the cry as being from one of the twins, and guessed it to be Little K.

Sure enough, upon walking into the girls' room to check on the situation, I saw by the light of the moon filtering through their window, my poor little baby face-down on her belly with her legs and half her torso dangling out of the wooden slats of her crib, wondering what in the world had happened to her! She must have somehow wedged her body out the slats during sleep, but was prevented from actually falling on the floor by the width of her upper body. It was actually quite funny to see her stuck like that in the middle of the night! It must have taken some kind of rolling to get into such a position! Of course, though, I could only imagine her fright at waking up and finding herself hanging so precariously, so I immediately freed her of her little prison and cuddled her for a few minutes in my arms. She immediately fell back asleep and all was well once again.

Oh, the adventures of motherhood!


Susannah! said...

Oh, that's terribal. I'm glad you found out about it!

Unknown said...

your blog posts throughout the week keep me very entertained. i don't always comment, but i find them entertaining and i love hearing about what the Lord is doing in your life.
i think about MQ a lot and refer back to my notes from time to time, especially now as all that purity stuff is really needing to come into play! ;)
well, just wanted to let you know that someone in dallas thinks of you and prays for you often!
much much love,