Friday, November 25, 2011

Mommy-For-The-Month Chronicles #5

I'm sitting here at the dining room table watching my little charges play while listening to Christmas music and catching up on blog reading. And it brings a smile to my face to see in living color what my mom has always told me: children usually prefer everyday life things to play with rather than plastic toys.

It's so true. Right now, they are having a ball with a stack of blankets and pillows. These few simple items have kept them busy for nearly an hour...and counting!

Of course, there are a few favorite toys that nearly always spark interest for various ones: a baby doll for Miss C, a Batman action figure for Little J, a tea set for Little A, a musical piano toy for J.K. But for the most part, the children find little interest in the plastic toys they've grown bored of. They much prefer playing with kitchen towels, tupperware, spoons, plastic measuring cups, and yes, even clothes. Little K will sit for long stretches of time trying to put shirts and pants and hats on in all different creative ways. :)

I just love to see how the everyday life things spark their imaginations, encourage fun times together, and keep my busy energizer-bunnies occupied in productive play!

1 comment:

Susannah! said...

Ha ha! That's funny, because it's true!